Filter pipette tips

High clarity PP material
Smooth inner wall avoid sample residual
DNase & RNase-free, Pyrogenic free
With filter, prevent cross contamination between pipette and specimen
Adapted to various pipettes, like: Gilson, Eppendorf, Thermofisher, Finn, etc.
Description Ordering Information
  • The tips are produced in Class 100,000 clean workshop, made from imported polypropylene material.
  • Each batch is strictly evaluated, DNase-free, RNase-free, pyrogen-free, Without endotoxin or PCR inhibitor.
  • Universal Pyrogen-free pipette tip could be adapted to various pipettes like: Gilson; Eppendorf, Thermo(Finn);Keeven; Dragonlab etc.
  • Hydrophobic filter avoids cross-contamination of aerosols and liquids, Low-adhere tip could be adapted to viscose liquid and liquid with less surface tension, and reduce the liquid residue on the inner wall to ensure accurate research results.
  • Size available in: 10ul, 10ul long, 20ul, 50ul, 100ul, 200ul, 200ul long, 300ul, 1000ul, 1250ul, 5ml, 10ml
Ordering Information
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